Acne? Are u causing it?


One of the most common skin problems today: It is acne. And I know it especially every day in my office when I see adolescents, young adults and older people with this skin disorder.

At first we would think that it is not so terrible to have acne, but without a doubt, we must be in the skin of the patient to be able to understand this problem. The fact of having these uncomfortable "pimples, pimples" is something that affects beyond the physical issue, without a doubt where it affects the most is the emotional issue.

Acne can affect the quality of life of those who suffer from it, greatly affecting our emotional health and developing disorders such as anxiety or social phobia (in fact, there are studies that directly relate acne to depression).

The causes?

There are too many, and although the main ones are diet, hormonal changes and hereditary factors; There are also factors you can control by making a few changes:

1. Products and treatments that you use that are inappropriate.
We know that when you are going through this situation, everyone gives you advice to use and in desperation, you try them all, resulting in... Worsening of the state of your skin, leaving it more sensitive and sometimes getting infected.

2. You use facial products that clog pores
The importance of reading labels is super important, and not just those of the foods we eat. Mineral oil is a component derived from petroleum, in liquid form, common in cosmetic products. Toxins from our skin are eliminated through sweat, and mineral oil prevents the elimination of these toxins, clogging the pores and creating the ideal situation for skin problems to develop, such as acne and allergies, among others.

3. Watch out for hair products

Sulfates, silicones and other components of hair products could be affecting not only the health of our hair, but also that of our skin; being especially responsible for those unsightly pimples at the hairline, and also on the neck, shoulders and back, if you are one of those with long hair. These types of components can clog the pores of our skin, thanks to the constant contact of the hair in those areas.

The same goes for laundry detergents.

What you can do: Make sure to use products that are as natural as possible, and rinse them very well, to avoid leaving any residual product on your skin. oh! And in the shower, wash your face last, to wash away any leftovers (and don't forget the whole neck!).

4. Don't go overboard with spicy food

A topic, yes, but in some cases it influences (and a lot). Spicy food contains lycopene, an excellent health-beneficial antioxidant that is also responsible for the red color of foods that contain it. This component can greatly irritate the skin of some people, by altering its natural PH, giving rise to the creation of pimples and other imperfections. But not only spicy food, there are certain foods that have the "capacity" to increase acne, and their consumption should be avoided: chocolate (if you eat it, make it as pure as possible), white bread and flour, dairy products (they cause inflammation in general) or fried in general (they increase sebum production).

What you can do: Quit smoking, for real. You will live longer and your whole body will thank you.

8. You are too stressed

In this world we live in, it is difficult to keep stress at bay. From the moment we step foot out of bed, most of us get nervous just thinking about what to do and the responsibilities that we will have to deal with throughout the day. Stress triggers acne, thanks to the production of hormones, and more acne gives a higher level of stress; It is a vicious circle.

What you can do: Try exercising to de-stress. Running, yoga or any sport that you are passionate about is fine; everything is little to be able to free you. oh! And remember to wash your face as you finish, to prevent toxins from sweat from mixing with other impurities.

The best thing you can do is keep things as simple as possible. Remember to clean your face to remove dirt that accumulates daily and keep pores clean, morning and night.

And take care of your skin with professional facials.

I encourage you to get healthy and beautiful skin. Follow my recommendations and you will see positive changes in your skin: Skin By Alicia.
